







  Fu, Q. (2005), “Demand Forecasting”, presented to the 2005 IEEE International Conference on Service Operations and Logistics, and Informatics, Co-Sponsored by: IEEE ITSS, Natural Science Foundation of China, Tsinghua University, IIE China, CAST-USA, IEEE Beijing, August 10-12, 2005 – Friendship Hotel, Beijing, China

  Fu, Q. (2002), “A New Technique for Software Defect Prediction”, presented to the New Technologies Session of the Software Engineering Symposium 2002 (SES2002), Chicago , America .

  Fu, Q. (2002), “BTA (Bayesian Test Assistant) Tool”, presented to the Internal Tools Fair of the Software Engineering Symposium 2002 (SES2002), Chicago , America .

  Fu, Q. & McGaw, D. (2003), “Use of Linear Weights in Generic BBN Modelling”, presented at the European Software Engineering Conference and ACM SIGSOFT Symposium on the Foundations of Software Engineering (ESEC/FSE 2003), Helsinki , Finland .

  Fu, Q. (2003), “A New Scenario-Driven Method on Optimal BBN Applications”, project report, Motorola UK Research Laboratory, 11 February 2003 .

  Gras, J.J., Fu, Q. & McGaw, D. (2003), “Dynamic BBN Modelling for Software Inspection and Test Cycles”, project report, Motorola UK Research Laboratory, 28 January 2003 .

  Fu, Q. (2002), “The Prequential Likelihood Function and its Application to a BBN”, project report, Motorola UK Research Laboratory, 18 November 2002 .

  Fu, Q. (2002), “Construction and Evaluation of Common BBN Components”, project report, Motorola UK Research Laboratory, 21 October 2002 .

  Fu, Q. & McGaw, D. (2002), “OSSD pilot report”, project report, Motorola UK Research Laboratory, 28 August 2002 .

  Fu, Q. (2002), “Machine Learning for BBNs”, internal discussion paper, Motorola UK Research Laboratory, 13 August 2002 .

  Fu, Q. (2002), “Statistical Methods for Road Traffic Flow Identification: An Empirical Study”, internal discussion paper, Motorola UK Research Laboratory, 16 July 2002 .

  Fu, Q. (2001), “Comparison of Hugin against Netica”, internal discussion paper, Motorola UK Research Laboratory, 16 November 2001 .

  McGaw, D. & Fu, Q. (2001), “Report on TRAMS”, project report, Motorola UK Research Laboratory, 11 October 2001 .

  Fu, Q. (2001), “Investigation into Reducing Size of NPTs Using: Intermediate Node, Noisy-OR Methods”, project report, Motorola UK Research Laboratory, 19 July 2001 .

  Fu, Q. (2001), “Granularity vs. Discretisation”, Motorola UK Research Laboratory, internal discussion paper, Motorola UK Research Laboratory, 12 April 2001 .

  Fu, Q. & McGaw, D. (2001), “BBNs for Software Reliability Estimation and Test Automation”, project report, Motorola UK Research Laboratory, 5 April 2001 .

  Fu, Q. (2001), “Bayesian Belief Networks for Software Reliability Prediction and Automated Testing: A Feasibility Study”, project report, Motorola UK Research Laboratory, 8 March 2001 .

  Farrow, M. & Fu, Q. (2000), “Development of Integrated Supply Chain Management System in European Small to Medium Sized Companies”, Postdoctoral Research Report on Integrated SCM System (including Procurement, Inventory, Production Planning, Warehousing, Transportation and Demand Forecasting), School of Computing, Engineering and Technology, University of Sunderland, October 2000.

  Fu, Q. (2000), “Bayesian Multivariate Time Series Models for Forecasting the Leading European Economies”, 20 Annual International Symposium of Forecasting (ISF 2000), Lisbon , Portugal , 21-24 June 2000.

  Fu, Q. (2000), “CHAMAN Multivariate Sales Forecasting Module”, Occasional Paper 00-3, School of Computing, Engineering and Technology, University of Sunderland .

  Farrow, M. & Fu, Q. (1999), “Bayes Linear Networks and Nonlinearities”, presented at Sixth Valencia International Meeting on Bayesian Statistics, Las Fuentes, Spain , June 1999.

  Farrow, M. & Fu, Q. (1998), “Bayes Linear Networks with Binary Nodes”, presented at Royal Statistical Society 1998 Conference, “Practical Bayesian Statistics 4” , Nottingham , July 1998.

  Fu, Q. (1998), “Estimation with Limited Time Series”, Occasional Paper 98-8, School of Computing, Engineering and Technology, University of Sunderland .

  Farrow, M. & Fu, Q. (1998), “Graphical Partial Belief Representation and Linear Bayes Prediction for Management”, Occasional Paper 98-2, School of Computing, Engineering and Technology, University of Sunderland .

  Fu, Q. (1997), “Bayesian Multivariate Time Series Models for Forecasting European Macroeconomic Series”, Ph.D. Thesis, University of Hull ; Supervisor: Prof. A R Tremayne.

  Fu, Q. (1992), “Econometric Vector Autoregressive Estimation and Forecasting for UK Economy”, MA Dissertation, University of Manchester ; Supervisor: Prof. M J Artis.

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